[HTML] - How to underline an heading in HTML? - SheCodes | SheCodes

[HTML] - How to underline an <h1> heading in HTML?

Learn how to apply underlines to <h1> headings in HTML using CSS.

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how do you underline <h1>

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Asked 5 months ago in HTML by nirmean100

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Asked 6 months ago in HTML by Dorothea

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Asked 6 months ago in HTML by Malinalli

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👩‍💻 HTML, CSS and JavaScript Code instructions

Asked 7 months ago in HTML by Abdulmajeed

create HTML5 prototypes and relevant CSS rules for a mock-ups. it should have: • Use proper HTML page structure • Use HTML5 elements where appropriate • CSS style rules are consistent across all pages Create Landing Page: index.html You must implement the HTML and CSS code to achieve this design. Requirements are: • Include all sections from the design o Header, Content, and Footer o Dotted line indicate page boundaries and is not required • Use hyperlinks for navigation links with the 5 provided images o Images can be found in resources.zip o Each image should have a hyperlink o For now, 4 news categories should link to list.html o The add news image should link to add.html • Use CSS to: o Ensure all pages use the same font scheme (of your choice)  n.b. any font family, size, colour is acceptable, but must be specified clearly in the CSS file o Layout the images as a grid  n.b. table layout or simple flow layout are accepted, but receive less marks

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